Equine X-Rays & Scanning
Veterinary Services
Equine X-Rays & Scanning
We have a selection of state of the art equine X-ray and Scanning equipment, used to diagnose and treat lameness and injury whilst we carry out mobile visits on the yard, or for emergency use in any other scenario where immediate attention in a remote location is required. Whether you are in need of a hoof or leg X-ray to diagnose suspected soundness issues, or if your horse has an alternative suspected injury, our team are on hand to help.
Our team of specialist Veterinary Surgeons are able to provide equine digital radiography services. We have a number of instant digital equine radiograph (x-ray) machines that can be used when several areas of the horse need to be imaged. These machines immediately upload the x-rays to our laptops which we carry with us. This means that you won’t have to wait for your results and we can discuss the results of your equine X-ray with you there and then.
We also have ultrasound machines that most of our Vets carry with them in their fleet of 4×4 vehicles, for the investigation of ailments such as tendon injuries.